Hey there friends. Long time no post. Glad to be back safely from my vacation that I just got back from. My wife and 2 kids just recently packed up the Tahoe and took off down to Utah to spend some time with my family and to get a nice break from work which was much needed on my side. We were also able to spend some time in Boise with my wife's family also. It was a good time had by all to go out and enjoy life for a bit and not worry about work.
Some of the things I was able to do over the time away was to go boating in my sister and fiance's boat, which was great. I also was able to play a couple of rounds of golf. The round I played in Utah I shot a 99 for 18 holes and the round I shot in Boise was a 47 for 9 holes. Not too bad for being the first 2 times out this year on the golf course.
One of the other highlights that I didnt get a picture of was being able to ride my Dad's Dyna Wide Glide Harley, which was a joy and made me want a motorcycle even more so than ever. Thanks Dad! heh
Got to also see all my nephews on my side of the fam. Which was cool. Ive posted quite a few pics on my flickr site.
One of the other things I noticed while away was that Ward from the
wardomatic posted a link to my blog off his. Thanks Ward...Didnt have a way to say anything at the time. heh Hopefully I can post something cool that will be worthwhile for some of the new traffic from there. And a big ol hello to ya all.
When we were in Boise Id, we got to go to the waterpark there. Pretty much spent all day on the 3rd at the waterpark. I think I was having too much fun that I forgot to put some sunscreen on or I forgot that I was a Seattle whitey who needed to be lathered up in sunscreen. Anyways....Ill spare ya the painful details unless you want to see a great pic of the blisters I was able to get tagged with. I do know this, next time I go and spend a whole day out in the sun, that Im going to make sure that I put the sunscreen on and not try to be tough. Beats getting skin cancer.
Also we spent our 4th of July in a small po dunk farming community outside of Boise, Id called Melba. It was real small, had that home town feel. They had a cool, very small parade that they threw out candy to the little kids kinda thing going so my kids were super happy just filling their bags with candy. Then they also had a small carnival that the kids were able to go and do some fun stuff. After the little carnival we were able to head back into Boise for a bit to hang out then we headed back out to Melba to see the fireworks. For me personally I enjoy seeing my kids have fun and be around thier cousin's but I think Seattle's fireworks are tons tons better in quality and quantity. Gotta figure the market is so much bigger up here compared to down there. Get what ya get...But anyways...We had fun.
You can follow this pic to my flickr site to see some of the photo's or the top pic on the right should take ya there too. Check em out.