Wednesday, June 13, 2007

NSD (new sketch daily)

i got inspired by one of the pics on this blog that Bobby Pontillas sent out a while ago. "The Satorialist" which is a fashionista blog...The person running the blog takes some fun pictures...Anyways, here's the sketch...Id like to get way more cartoony, and need to practice making the shapes funner and not just try to copy the picture, and Im just rambling...blah tis...


Unknown said...

go jason go!!! Very Nice

( dang it now I gotta come up with some daily animation. You aint makin this easy...)

plastic bandido said...

yea-yuuuh!! Sweetness dude! Keep 'er goin'!

Anonymous said...

Good to see ya drawlin' Newk!

The Real Victim said...

Thats realy nice my man

Jihan Zencirli said...

you need to start posting more! I miss your sketches!