Wednesday, February 21, 2007

3 red rings of DEATH!

My Xbox360 finally kicked the curb...I got the sudden 3 red rings of death. I have to send it into Microsoft down in Texas. Good thing my Xbox is still under warranty, so things will be covered. It still sucks having to send the thing down to Texas. Ill be missing out on my Gears of War playing with friends.

One good thing, I started playing Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess on the WII, so my Xbox wont be missed all that much.

Zelda is pretty awesome so far. Ive played every Legend of Zelda game to date, and this one doesnt look to disappoint at all. It's been very fun so far.

1 comment:

Perry Linton Joseph Osuna said...

Sorry to hear about the xbox doesn't it suck ass when our toys break down on u had the same problem with my pc the other day. Hey bro sorry for not stoppin by sooner hope all has been good with you an all the best for the year!!!
