Friday, April 14, 2006

Pirates of the Caribbean 2 Dead Man's Chest PSP

images courtesy of IGN...

Hey folks, check it out, the game that Ive been working on for the past year and couple months, is finally getting some press. I cant wait to see what people think of the game. We had a lot of fun making it. IGN interviewed our producer Matt Turnbull, who's a great producer. Check it's a pretty good read. All of Jack Sparrow's gameplay moves were done by your's truly. You can actually see a game trailer on ign's site as well. Shows a lil bit of what to look forward to.

IGN Article with Matt Turnbull


Maganda said...

Happy Easter Newsquirt

Jason Newkirk said...

thanks maganda! Happy Easter to you as well..

Memo Diaz said...

Looking good, J-Nuke!

Perry Linton Joseph Osuna said...

Yeah baby I so glad they let you post some of the awesome work that u do bro haven't seen u in a while hope all is well with u take care !!!

Mark said...

Ha!...I saw your pic and KNEWWwww you were in games!....As am I my friend, except I'm in sunny south london here in England...

Game's looking nice thou dude. Come visit sometime...


Perry Linton Joseph Osuna said...

Hey bro thanks for the kind words always ice to know that there are peeps out that have my back stay fresh G take care!!!

Andrew Glazebrook said...

Looks really cool !! Nice work !

Anonymous said...

hey i love this game it's just that it doesn't say to create a profile and i can't save even with my memory stick
